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06 February 2011

Repressive, medieval theocracy...

...a little unclear on the concept... democracy, that is...
unclear on the concept
Litwin said he's almost grateful for the Iranian embassy's intervention because it generated buzz for Iranium the film wouldn't have otherwise received.

“I think I should give them some fine Israeli wine as a gift,” Litwin quipped. Iranium is produced by Canadian-Israeli filmmaker Raphael Shore.

RELATED: Yeah, more shariah law...

...that's exactly what we need...
-- Amsterdam -- The zeal and determination with which the court is pursuing Geert Wilders even in the face of so many opportunities to put a halt to this farce, bespeaks the application of a kind of law that is foreign to western principles of justice.

We should all be alarmed that Shariah law appears to have taken hold in our courtrooms and in the social fabric of western nations against the wishes and unbeknownst to the majority of citizens.