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04 February 2011

Never mind that "Oil" thing...

...I'm way more worried about "Peak Pandering"...
"We can’t wait to see what happens when the United Kingdom’s celebration of the gay community in math, geography and science runs headlong into the United Kingdom’s celebration of the Muslim community in math, geography and science courses."

RELATED: Hey... Peace Moonbeam

You can shove that fuzzy-bunny "gray area" stuff up your patootie.

There is, in fact, a right and a wrong.


LAST WORD: In other "pandering" news
Apparently a Quebec Human Rights Commission felt a similar situation had more to do with racial hatred than with the same technicalities of the law.

The quasi-judicial court has recommended a man from Ivory Coast be awarded $20,000 in compensation for a “racial-profiling” incident that took place in April 2007, despite the fact the laws appear to favour the police officer.