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12 February 2011

Never a long gun registry around...

...when you really need one...
A man in his 20s became Toronto's 10th murder victim of the year — and the second to die en route to hospital in one day — after being shot in a Scarborough apartment building.

Toronto Police responding to a shooting call found the victim with no signs of life in the lobby of 70 Stevenvale Dr., Scarborough, at 7:52 p.m.

He was rushed to Sunnybrook hospital from the Lawrence Ave. E.-Markham Rd. building, but police Saturday said he died in the ambulance.
I'm sure the Toronto Police Homicide squad is busy rounding up... farmers, hunters & skeet shooters... as we speak.


UPDATE: Murder victim #10 id'd
Toronto's 10th homicide victim of the year has been identified as 23-year-old Lorenzo Martinez.

RELATED: So you're out at 3:00am...

...enjoying a cool, refreshing beverage. What could possibly go wrong?
A man in his early 20s was shot in the head early Sunday morning at a suspected basement drinking club behind a Weston Rd. strip mall.

Five witnesses later volunteered information to investigators, who are seeking to interview a “person of interest,” described only as a young black man wearing dark clothing.

UPDATE2: Murder victim #9 id'd

It's getting hard to keep up...
Around 1:30 a.m. Friday, Gregory Taylor, 21, was gunned down outside an apartment building near Black Creek and Trethewey Drs. in the old City of York.

Police believe Taylor, acquitted late last year of assault, extortion and kidnapping charges laid in 2009, and known as “Menace” on the streets, was lured out to meet his fate.

LAST WORD: Who needs guns?