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25 February 2011

It's a long-standing Liberal tradition... sense waiting for Iggy to maybe pull outta that tailspin... newly emboldened Bobbo decides he's gonna fly a little closer to the sun...

rae dazeNice to see that he's figured out who Canada's real enemies are...
“People in public service are talking about this — not openly, because they’re all terrified. But they do talk about it.”
Yes, of course... if only there was one brave man... who could stand up to those dastardly terrorists in the PMO.

Think, Bob... think...


RELATED: "Plan 9... from Outer Bob"
Skinny-dipping with Rick Mercer is one thing but calling Conservative government staffers “jihadis” is quite another.

By baring his soul in such a way Mr. Rae comes across as a bit of an ass. Were he a Conservative MP making such a comment he would be subject to a fury of biblical proportion – and rightly so.

His comments also speak to an attitude of moral superiority still found in within the Liberal Party’s senior ranks.

What does Michael Ignatieff say about his former roommate's adventures in etymology? I saw Mr. Ignatieff proselytizing in St. John's this week about how his Liberals weren't a nasty bunch – they attack ideas apparently, not people.

Someone clearly forgot to tell Mr. Rae.

"Who knew Canadian young people were such wimps!!! Start a Jasmine Revolution thru Facebook, Bob."
"Hey, Bob Rae has actually heard of jihadis. I wouldn't have taken that for granted."

LAST WORD: You're ever in doubt...

...about social justice, just ask yourself...
"What would the union do?"