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07 February 2011

If only they could all be Toronto

Shining beacon of Canadian Journalism brands Calgary "unlivable"...
the judgementBut, wait a minute... maybe Toronto isn't gonna be Toronto very much longer...
Figures produced during Ford’s campaign estimated that some $20-million could be saved across the city if all of the city’s residential and commercial garbage collection was outsourced. The C.D. Howe Institute has put the savings at closer to $49-million.

“This is good for the city,” Coun. Doug Ford, the mayor’s brother, said Sunday. “This will ensure we never have a garbage strike again.”

But Ford vowed this is only the beginning.

“We’re going to be outsourcing everything that is not nailed down.”
Well, that sure sounds like a good thing. Maybe Mayor Ford could use the savings to hire a few more cops...
Toronto resident Pierre Oliver Ellis, 23, is wanted for first-degree murder in the 2007 shooting death of a 16-year-old boy in Scarborough, police say.

Ellis is accused of killing Keyon Campbell on Dec. 2, 2007. It was the city's 80th murder of the year.
Yeah... let's talk "livable", shall we?


You show yourself as the biggest fool in the blogosphere you are really just a raving drunk.
Posted by Anonymous to halls of macadamia at 12:27 AM, February 08, 2011

"Morons like you will line up and kiss the arse of some fat fuck who whispers sweet nothings in your ear. In 4 years, I'm gonna drop by, and laugh at you about this really, really hard."
Posted by Anonymous to halls of macadamia at 3:10 PM, February 07, 2011
Hmmm... going by the other dozen frothing diatribes you've sent me today, Nonny... don't you mean 4 minutes?