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25 February 2011

Charlie Sheen of Middle East countries...

...tells United Nations to go piss up a rope...
-- VIENNA (AP) -- Diplomats say Syria has evaded a request from the head of the U.N. atomic agency for access to a suspected nuclear site. --
You don't have to be a genius to figure out this dynamic... just ask the parents of any small child.

Reward bad behaviour... at your peril.


RELATED: In other Inconvenient Truth news
"In Geneva, the normally passive United Nations Human Rights Council voted unanimously on Friday to suspend Libya’s membership."
For those of you wondering why the delay here... (never mind why Libya is on a Human Rights committee in the first place)... apparently there's some sort of unwritten U.N. policy... about the first 1000 civilian deaths being deductible.


"Someone living in obscurity in butt fuck nowhere, has a lot to tell all the folks living in butt fuck nowhere too."
Posted by Anonymous to halls of macadamia at 9:00 PM, February 25, 2011
I'm a little confused, Nonny.

Are your latest four dozen puerile, frothing screeds over the last five days... an illuminating reflection of your, uh... variegated social-conscience... or are you just too cheap to pay for regular phone sex?