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19 January 2011


...what is it they say?
-- OTTAWA -- Threatening e-mails and phone calls resulted in the cancellation Tuesday evening of a film that exposes Iran’s efforts to build nuclear weapons and promote terrorism.
Oh, yeah... that it's everything...
The threats followed a formal complaint last weekend from the Iranian Embassy, seeking to stop the showing of the film Iranium at Library and Archives Canada.
Iran 1 -- Ottawa-cracy 0...
Bureaucrats in Library and Archives Canada seemingly gave no thought to maintaining Charter guarantees of freedom of assembly and speech.

“Does a call from the Iranians mean the collapse of free speech in Ottawa? What kind of surreal atmosphere exists in the bureaucracy? The whole situation leaves the impression of a knee-jerk bowing to the mullahs of Iran.”

UPDATE: Just another reason, folks... stick with Stephen Harper...
According the his press secretary, Mr. Moore started working on figuring out how the issue could be corrected as soon as heard the screening was in doubt. He has since instructed the Archives to honour its commitment to show the film while taking all appropriate steps to ensure security, Codie Taylor said.

“Canada does not accept attempts from the Iranian Embassy to dictate what films will and will not be shown in Canada,” the Heritage Minister said through Ms. Taylor. "The principle of free speech is one of the cornerstones of our democracy"
And heck, look at Iggy and company dressing down the... wait a minute...

Geez... I coulda swore Iggy just finished blasting one of these horrible totalitarian states... oh, right...
Ignatieff dismissed calls that Canada should have followed Australia’s policy on refugees and turned the Tamil refugee boat away.

"This is Canada, not Australia," Ignatieff said. "That means Canada has principles, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, our international obligations."
But not a peep on Iran... or free speech?
iggy silentYup... exactly what we've come to expect from the party of "Welcome back Khadr".