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09 January 2011

That homicidal, racist George W...

...wait a minute....
A suicide bomber blew himself up in a bathhouse in a southern Afghan border town as men gathered to wash before Friday prayers, killing 17 people, a provincial official said.

A Taliban spokesman in the south, Qari Yousaf Ahmadi, said the attack targeted the second-in-command of the border patrol in the area.
Well, heck... as long as there was a good reason...


RELATED: That homicidal, racist Tea Party
NOW condemns the tragic shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) that stole six lives and seriously injured 12 today. We condemn, equally, the culture of hate and violence increasingly reflected in extreme right-wing opponents of those who support progressive solutions to our country's challenges.
Of course... a mentally disturbed 22 year-old with a criminal record shoots a bunch of people... and it's all about Conservatives.

Yeah, you dumbasses... let's blame Sarah Palin.