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03 January 2011

A Tale of Two Cities

First up... the CBC...
"There's been no movement from government side or the police side. The community was trying very hard to do everything in their power but it's very limited what the community can do without the government's help." --
That's weird... that's not what the police are saying...
"The investigation is going to go nowhere without co-operation. We believe they know exactly who killed this guy and none of them will say," said Edmonton police homicide detective Bill Clark. "If we got co-operation, this one we could easily solve."

Clark estimates there were at least 100 people in the bar at the time of the shooting.

Instead of placing the blame on others, Clark said the Somali community needs to deal with young members of the community who are causing the bulk of the problems.

"A lot of these kids are gangsters and drug dealers," said Clark, who noted unco-operative witnesses is a common problem in many of the region's Somali shooting cases.
Same planet... different worlds.

P.S. -- watch for the usual suspects to start screaming for Detective Clark's head... for actually daring to say stuff like this out loud.


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LAST WORD: Uh-huh... let's blame Canada
The group heard one Somali community leader speak of the "snitch factor." If one wounded man would testify, the trial could go forward, said Abdurahman Jibril, a community development worker and chair of the Somali Canadian National Congress chair.

"Kids are kids," he said of their response to efforts to encourage them to do so. "They say they won't snitch."
That's funny... that doesn't sound anything like my kid.

And, of course... it's all about our heartless, systemically racist Canadian system...
Then Ali broached the race factor.

"What's another black Somali who's been killed?" he asked as others nodded. "We feel it would have been handled in a different way if he was a white Canadian."
Yup, Ali... it would have been different. If it was a "white Canadian" who'd been murdered... his buddies would have testified and put the murderer away. There wouldn't have been any of this "code of the street" horseshit.

See, we're brought up here to work with the cops and the justice system. It's a lesson you might want to pass on to the rest of your community.