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05 January 2011

Save us... oh wonderful Nanny State

It's like all those altruistic bank commercials I see nowadays... Canadians are obviously too stupid to make their own decisions...
judge judy & executionerWhew, that's a relief... one less thing to worry about. I was really dreading having to make my own decisions about what happens to my possessions after I die.

Sometimes... I just really miss Ray Bradbury.


"conservative wankers shriek to high heaven about the 'nanny state'"
Posted by Anonymous to halls of macadamia at 8:19 AM, January 05, 2011

"what a complete idiot this makes him and his conservative pals look like."
Posted by Anonymous to halls of macadamia at 8:22 AM, January 05, 2011

"You truly, are, dumb as a fucking post"
Posted by Anonymous to halls of macadamia at 12:24 AM, January 05, 2011
Ah yes... multiple doses (these 3 being the most coherent) of the always elucidating "you're a big poopyhead" gambit.

Thank you comment moderation.