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10 January 2011

The professional journalists... the Globe & Mail... never afraid to ask the really hard questions.the bigger question**********

"speaking of 'victomhood'(sic), head on over to FOX tv. You stupid fucks are good for entertainment anyway."
Posted by Anonymous to halls of macadamia at 10:55 PM, January 10, 2011

don't start whining and crying about it to me jasckass(sic).
Posted by Anonymous to halls of macadamia at 6:49 AM, January 11, 2011
More "great moments" in trolldom...
"misspell one word, and boom neo jacks off."
Posted by Anonymous to halls of macadamia at 8:53 AM, January 11, 2011

Poor neo nony, he's the victEm(sic) waaaaaaillll! Whoa(sic) is me!!!!
Posted by Anonymous to halls of macadamia at 8:56 AM, January 11, 2011
Of course, nonny... it's not like I have a perpetual lease on that big empty space between your ears, huh?

P.S., please let me help... the words you're looking for are "victim", "jackass" & "woe."