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07 January 2011

Omar Khadr fan club starts to figure it out

Wait a minute... where was Mark Holland when the Toronto 18 was gonna blow up Bay St. and behead the Prime Minister...
more mark the mouth
The federal Liberals are urging Public Safety Minister Vic Toews to give Coptic churches in this country the money they need to install security cameras and alarm systems to prevent deadly terrorist attacks like the one rocked Egypt last week.
Guess what, Marko, you dim bulb... these guys aren't all that particular about what flavour of infidel they send to the great beyond. You, me... the local strip club or gay bar... it's all good.

Funny how Mark doesn't seem to give a crap about protecting, oh... I don't know... synagogues... subway stations... other denominations of Christians?

And if this is about actual protection... we're going with cameras? Seriously? "Hey, you... stop or I'll flash!!!"

If the Mr Rogers, er... Liberal Party of Canada is finally recognising the deadly dangers of homegrown Islamic fundamentalism... it sounds like we really need to pump up the jam.


FROM THE COMMENTS: Let's get crazy...

...and ask an actual member of the Coptic community...
"That's much, much, much better to empower the law enforcement agencies instead of wasting money on cameras," said Mansour.
Over to you, Mark & Iggy.