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04 January 2011

A little ballistic impeachment... Pakistan slides closer to the edge...
Salman Taseer, the liberal governor of Punjab province, was shot multiple times at the shopping plaza, which is near his home and is frequented by foreigners.

Pakistani news channels reported that police arrested one of Taseer's guards, who allegedly confessed that he was angered by Taseer's recent public endorsement of a pardon for a Christian woman sentenced to death for blasphemy.
This latest bit of murder is just the icing on the crumbling Pakistani cake...
The slaying came as the nation's main opposition party, which dominates in Punjab, held a news conference to demanded that the federal government implement a list of reforms within three days or risk collapse.

The U.S.-allied government has been on the rocks since Sunday, when Pakistan's second-largest political party defected to the opposition, depriving the ruling coalition led by Zardari's Pakistan People's Party of a parliamentary majority.

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