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21 January 2011

Iggy: The 2011 "Awww, F@#k It" Tour

Another day... another home run...
pander deluxe
“Quebeckers are saying out loud what a lot of Canadians think,” Mr. Dufour said. “This may explain why many politicians in the rest of Canada have such a hard time with it.”
Hang on a second... we're strip-searching octagenarian grandmothers on their way to Epcot... but knives get a pass?

How exactly does that work?


UPDATE: Apparently, timing IS everything
nothing up my sleeve**********

RELATED: More Liberal phonin' it in
It wouldn’t be the post-Chrétien Liberal Party if there weren’t some foul-up, though. Sure enough, this morning, one of the French-language ads had to be pulled and re-uploaded to YouTube when the Conservatives pointed out a glaring spelling error in it.

It’s a minor stumble in the grand scheme of things, and it was fixed quickly, but we can’t help but think of the Liberal Party Express Bus from last summer—the one that broke down on day one.

We don’t expect our political parties to be mechanics, as well, but we do expect them to use spell-check.

POSTSCRIPT: An Ignatieff enthusiast responds...
"It's not like carrying a concealed machine gun, as you'd like to be able to do."
Posted by liberal supporter to halls of macadamia at 7:31 PM, January 21, 2011
...and responds...
"I'd love it if some Sikh pulled out his kirpan, I'd get to use my favourite Crocadile(sic) Dundee line! Hahahahahahahahaha!"
Posted by liberal supporter to halls of macadamia at 7:47 PM, January 22, 2011
Ah, Libby... as per usual, you do all the work for me.