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28 January 2011

I know, I know... first, I just thought it was CBC... building on the riotous success of "Little Mosque on the Prairie"...
The Court of Appeal for Ontario upheld an incest conviction, as well as convictions on 46 counts of forgery and uttering forged documents, for a woman named B.D. in a decision released Thursday.

The forgery-related charged stemmed from her attempts to obtain false birth certificates for seven fictitious children. B.D. also tried to get Wafi/Prince's name and date of birth changed on his driver's licence, going so far as to forge a Ministry of Transportation supervisor's signature, the court said.

B.D., 47, maintains she is married to a man named Prince Wafi R. Dz., a real prince and a descendent of Nigerian or Ethiopian royalty. But, as found at her trial, her husband is really her 21-year-old son, Wafi.

She also maintains that Wafi died in a volcano in the Congo, the court said.
Forgive me for asking... but isn't there a checkbox on the Immigration forms for batcrap crazy?