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30 January 2011

Fumbling towards democracy?

Unfortunately, like the rest of the Islamic Middle East... Egyptians seem to be a little unclear on the concept...
Hundreds of demonstrators threw Molotov cocktails at police near the heart of five days of protests, and policemen responded with live rounds of gunfire, witnesses said.
The death toll approaches 100... and no sign of things cooling off.


RELATED: Where is President McDreamy?
After much discussion, it was decided that President Obama would not try to speak directly to Mubarak. According to an informed source, the assessment was that president-to-president intervention should be held in reserve as a last recourse.

Besides, any exchange with Mubarak would require Obama to say whether he supported Mubarak’s continued rule. And the president was in a bind: He couldn’t bluntly say no.
So much for acting Presidential.