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08 January 2011

2011 Week 1 - Toronto the not so good

Three murders in seven days...
One woman is dead and another is in custody after Toronto Police officers were called to an east-end apartment on Friday morning.

Homicide officers were scouring a Toronto Community Housing apartment building at 4301 Kingston Rd., near Bellamy Rd.

UPDATE: Murdered woman id'd
The victim of the city’s third homicide has been identified as 59-year-old Zaniffa Balkaran. Police have not confirmed if Balkaran was related to Annesair Balkaran, who has been charged with first-degree murder.

Debbie Thompson, 35, who lives in the building, said she had known “Jenny,” as Balkaran was known, for two years. Thompson said she was an avid churchgoer and attended a service several times per week. Thompson described her as, “very nice, very quiet.”

Thompson said that she had met Balkaran’s daughter, whom she knew as “Precious.” She said she believed that Precious was pregnant.