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29 December 2010

Somebody remind me...

...why exactly is it, we're all constantly sucking up to Quebec?
-- MONTREAL -- Attachment to Canada has waned dramatically among young Quebecers: only 18 per cent of those age 18-24 report strong feelings of attachment to the country — a cause for concern for the future of national unity, Jedwab said.

Seniors are the only age group where attachment to Canada is strong, with 49 per cent of those 65 and over describing themselves as strongly attached to the country.
Perhaps Quebec would do well to refocus a little of that "f@ck the anglos" anger...
Media reports have exposed allegations of bribery in some municipal administrations and corruption surrounding the awarding of government contracts in the construction industry.

It has been alleged that construction and engineering firms have funnelled thousands of dollars to the governing Liberals using false names.