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25 December 2010

It's been a quiet week here at the Halls

This is, I believe... the first time in four years that I've taken a week away from the keyboard... and it has, apparently, done me no lasting harm. You can get too used to screaming into the whirlwind, I think.

Anyway... the stockings are hung and we await the hopefully not-too-early appearance of The Boy. It seems like just yesterday we were rocking his world with toy trains or a tricycle... but these days he leans heavily towards consumer electronics.

So... to all of you who sometimes stop by to share a moment... Merry Christmas... and all the best to you and yours.


Because Neophyte continues to be both a civilised human being and a solid A-B student... he & I got up at 05:00 today... ran down into Belleville and iced his Christmas cake with an Ipod Touch.

Time for ol' Dad to head back to bed.