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08 December 2010

Helpless... by Christie Blatchford

I thought I knew all about the fiasco surrounding the aboriginal occupation of Caledonia, Ontario. I was wrong.

Just finished reading Christie Blatchford's book and it's full of interesting stuff that never hit the mainstream news.

She also talks about getting on Julian Fantino's bad side...
"I had also committed what counts as a cardinal sin in the Fantino book of rules. I had mentioned in a column - it was about a court case involving McHale and Fantino and the appearance of fairness - that Fantino's son Gregory had recently been appointed by the McGuinty government as a justice of the peace, a job that pays $114,000 a year."
You think we live in a country of clear-cut rules & laws.

Think again.

This book is a must read for any political junkie. I went through it in one sitting.

Buy it... and better yet... ask your local library to buy a few copies too.