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01 November 2010

A trifecta of inconceivable foolhardiness

Drinking AND trespassing ON railway property AT 3 o'clock in the morning... more like community of dumbasses...
"Police would not release the name of the youths, but they were known in Montreal’s tight-knit community of graffiti artists." --
Yeah, I know I'm dating myself here... but I remember when this sort of thing was called vandalism...
Charles F. Seaton, a spokesman for New York City Transit, described such incursions as “trespassing, punishable by law,” and said “anyone caught defacing M.T.A. property is subject to arrest and fine.”
Or apparently, being turned into applesauce.
“If you go in there and break your neck, nobody’s going to hear you scream,” he said — at least assuming there are no track workers around. “You’re just going to have to hope that someone is going to find you before you die.”

"If only we had a passenger train registry."