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04 November 2010

Tonight's CTV Moonbat Moment

Just watched Craig Oliver's take on Conservative Cabinet Minister Jim Prentice leaving government service for a plum job at one of Canada's chartered banks.

Oliver did his best to spin yet another yarn about Prentice being forced out by that evil chess-master Stephen Harper... who apparently coerced Prentice into... and I quote... a "dead end job" as Minister of the Environment. Sure, Craig... Prentice just sat around on his ass all day, because Stephen Harper wants to poison the planet.

You nailed it, boyo... this had absolutely nothing to do with a ten-fold increase in remuneration, stock options... and the opportunity to escape the silly-arse scrutiny of, say... Craig Oliver and pals.

Good grief.


UPDATE: No big surprise I guess...

...look where CTV got their talking points...
Deputy Liberal leader Ralph Goodale said Prentice was a well-regarded MP and his departure raises questions about whether the Harper government is "essentially hostile to the environment."
And let's not forget Commie Jack...
"I have no doubt that he must have had some frustrations dealing as minster of the environment with Mr. Harper who has never put the environment as a top priority at all."
Hey... who wouldn't wanna work in a classy place like Parliament Hill?


LAST WORD: The Lunatic Left

The good news is... you always know where they stand.