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29 November 2010

That evil, double-dealing Stephen Harp...

...wait a minute...
The McGuinty government’s relations with the incoming mayor of Toronto are off to a bumpy start, with Ontario’s Finance Minister calling on Rob Ford to stick to his penny-pinching ways when it comes to provincial funding.

Finance Minister Dwight Duncan suggested that Mr. Ford, who campaigned in the mayoral race on reducing “waste in the system,” should be agreeable to lowering the city’s funding request.
Except, Dwight... you dumb bunny... this is an agreement you already made with the socialist chuckleheads who ran Toronto smack into the red zone......
For his part, Mr. Ford declined to discuss the funding request made by his predecessor, saying he will address the matter next month when he meets with Premier Dalton McGuinty.

Stuart Green, spokesman for outgoing Mayor David Miller, said he fully expects the province to meet its obligation.
I dunno, Stuart... sounds like they pulled one over on you too.