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10 November 2010

Operation Bite My Own Testicles

Compassionate, intellectual left...yet again... forgets to ask...
"Where are the "Queers Against Saudi Arabian Apartheid?"

RELATED: In other "Oh Canada" news...

This is Toronto? Seriously?

not a racist
Sibel, the Turk: She actually says, "I'm not racist. I hate everyone equally — especially Jewish people."

Downtown D, the Albanian: I don't know that I've ever met an Albanian, but now I don't want to.
No aboriginals... no Newfies... just dim-bulb Eurotrash?

C'mon... that's just phonin' it in.


LAST WORD: And no one was beheaded
The grand imam told Mr. Obama that there was a church next door and that during Christmas parishioners use the mosque’s parking lot because the church does not have enough space.

Mr. Obama turned to reporters and said, “That is an example of the kind of cooperation” between religions in Indonesia.
Good grief... I can see why he brings his teleprompter everywhere he goes.