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02 November 2010

Oh my gawd, Al... you're so right

It's as obvious as that, er... snazzy, uh... medal around your the hustle... race hustle*********

RELATED: Hope, Change and... with us, or you'll be sorry...
Last week, in an interview with Univision radio, Obama urged Hispanic votes for Democrats, and said: "If Latinos sit out the election instead of, 'we're going to punish our enemies and we're going to reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us'...
Enemies? What enemies?

'Cos I know he's not talkin' about the Taliban here.


LAST WORD: A little prognostication
"Out of Washington, West Virginia, and Colorado, if one of the three goes Republican, they'll have a solid night."

"Two out of three signals a Republicans bloodbath."

"And three out of three means Armageddon."