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05 November 2010

More sage advice from the guy who...

...brought you Rae Days...
"You’ve got a Minister of Foreign Affairs who refuses to pick up the phone, refuses to talk to ambassadors, refuses to deal with people who are interested in settling the dispute,” Mr. Rae told reporters.
Brave words Bobbo... but, in the end, you couldn't even get along with the Teacher's & Civil Service unions... and they were the people who put you in power.

I'm sure the UAE would've loved bending your smarmy socialist ass over the negotiating table.


RELATED: I say we appoint Boob Rae...

...travelling spokespinko... and he can start right here...
Pakistani officials say a suicide bomb has ripped through a mosque in northwest Pakistan, killing at least 70 people and critically wounding more than 80 people. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack.
Let's see him "settle the disputes" in person.