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02 November 2010

Michael Ignatieff and Jack Layton...

...still searching for the pulse of the nation...
More than two-thirds of respondents in the survey or 69% said that “Khadr probably is guilty and this plea bargain is too generous, and that the Canadian government was right not to have offered him any assistance up to this point.”

The opposition parties have all been calling for Khadr’s repatriation, noting that he was a child soldier at the time of the crimes.

UPDATE: Undermined by the bureaucracy?
The deal appears to have been sealed while Prime Minister Stephen Harper was travelling in Europe and there is the suggestion that foreign affairs officials used this time to offer and accept more than Harper was willing to.

Diplomatic notes were exchanged with the Americans on October 23rd in the middle of Harper’s trip to Switzerland and the Ukraine.


You won't actually have to wade through the dozen hysterical, fulminating rants... (thank you comment moderation)... but my own personal troll has gone absolutely apeshit about the Khadr decision. Surprisingly... he's not celebrating the fact that Khadr is apparently returning to Canada at some point... but that Stephen Harper has betrayed Canadians by not blocking the transfer.

I would have thought that Nonny would be dancing a jig that things have gone his (and Iggy's & Jacko's) way... but apparently this is not the case. It's simply... as per his previous modus operandi... all about the devil-spawn neo-cons... and, what's this... a plug for Canadian Cynic's twitter feed.

And despite the fact that none of his frothing moonbattery has been published here for the last couple of months... he apparently just can't shut off the tap.

I can't wait to see what happens when President McDreamy gets his spanking tonight.


LAST WORD: So when Omar Khadr...

...gets out of jail next year... will he be going to college with your kids?
-- BAGHDAD -- Sixteen bombs went off across Iraq's capital on Tuesday, many at restaurants and coffee shops full of civilians. The death toll climbed to 76 in the first hours following the blasts, but that number could keep rising as rescuers comb through the debris.