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03 November 2010

Let's see the CBC put some lipstick...

...on this pig...
Put aside the sound bites and the spin: The Democrats got whipped yesterday.

The Republican takeover of the House is no less dramatic for having been predicted by every two-bit pundit on the planet. A pickup of nearly 60 seats is a toss-the-bums-out election by any standard.

And while the Dems managed to hang onto control of the Senate, that was always the most likely outcome unless every single domino fell in the GOP’s direction.

The media chatter the day after will center on whether the Democrats averted a tsunami and were merely struck by a strong hurricane. But the coulda-been-worse argument is pointless at the moment.

When a Russ Feingold loses, you know that public sentiment has turned against you.
The WSJ weighs in...
Republicans took control of governors' mansions across the country Tuesday, including a close contest in swing state Ohio and a victory by a tea-party favorite in South Carolina.

The GOP flipped at least a half-dozen states that had been governed by Democrats, racking up wins across the Midwest, notably in Michigan, Wisconsin, Kansas, Oklahoma and, in the West, Wyoming. Republicans also took over governors' seats in Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Florida, New Mexico and Iowa.

RELATED: Cheer up Ontario...

...there's always hope...
-- VANCOUVER -- Calling politics a “very nasty business at times” British Columbia’s scandal-plagued premier, Gordon Campbell, announced his resignation at a hastily called news conference Wednesday morning.

An Angus Reid Public Opinion found Campbell’s approval rating hit an all-time low of 9% in October.

Campbell did not take any questions and abruptly left the news conference after thanking his wife Nancy and sons Jeffrey and Nicholas.

LAST WORD: I'll spare you all the...

...virulent lol'ing & hahaha'ing about the "Democratic victory" by my own personal troll... (thank you once again comment moderation)... and instead present the mea culpa of the "Car Salesman in Chief" himself...
President Obama offered a fair critique of his own administration on Wednesday: "We were in such a hurry to get things done that we didn't change how things got done. I think that frustrated people." Calling the Democratic defeat a "shellacking," he congratulated his Republican opponents on their victory on Tuesday.

He made no mention of his campaign-long insistence that tax cuts be permitted to expire on upper-income families, a position he said would avoid swelling the deficit but put him in conflict with Republicans.

He also virtually abandoned his legislation — hopelessly stalled in the Senate — featuring economic incentives to reduce carbon emissions from power plants, vehicles and other sources.
P.S. Nonny... wouldn't a "stupid dumbfuck" actually be kinda redundant?