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17 November 2010

It's like they're sitting around thinking...

...okay... food & water shortages, no order, no shelter... now... how could we possibly make things worse?
-- Port-au-Prince, HAITI -- There was turmoil on Monday in two cities in the north of Haiti, Cap-Haitien and Hinche, with protesters setting cars and a police station on fire, as well as throwing rocks and bottles at UN troops. One protester was shot to death by a UN soldier.

In Cap-Haitien, the country’s second city, the operations of Oxfam remain suspended on Tuesday because of the violence.
Okay... I think I see part of the problem here...
Although cholera is relatively simple to prevent, this relies on the population being educated in how to respond and practising good hygiene.
You don't fully appreciate the importance of "don't shit where you eat"... maybe burning cities to the ground is your inevitable destination.
