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24 November 2010

Call me wacky... but I'm thinkin' I've got...

...a pretty good idea who Clifford, Willie, Paul & Russell will be voting for...libs & dippers
-- OTTAWA -- A bill to do away with the faint hope clause that allows murderers like notorious B.C. serial killer Clifford Olson to apply for parole has been sent packing from the House of Commons.

Opposition parties joined forces late Tuesday to pass a series of amendments to Bill S-6.
Seriously, Mr. Ignatieff? You're coming down on the side of convicted killers?

Convicted serial killers?!?!
The Liberals proposed the five amendments and secured the support of the Bloc Quebecois and NDP to pass four of the motions over Conservative objections.

NDP justice critic Joe Comartin said that while his party supported the bill initially, they have changed their minds and want to keep the faint hope clause.

“The system as it is now works. It’s as close to a perfect system as there is when dealing with rehabilitation,” Comartin said.
Well, it's official... Stephane Dion has been supplanted as the "Rainman" of Canadian politics.