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12 October 2010

Tonight's CTV Moonbat Moment

Apparently CTV has decided to preempt most of the national news tonight to cover the retrieval of the trapped Chilean miners.

And boy-o-boy... Count Floyd & Lisa LaFlamme are milking this alpaca for all it's worth. I haven't heard excitement like this since the television coverage of the moon landing.

So far we've heard about all the medical dangers the miners might face on their 700 meter journey to the surface.

Hells bells... they've even got a name for the container that's gonna pull the guys up outta the hole.

I won't bore you with the banal details, but poor Lloyd is so flustered by not having his teleprompter that he has already called CTV "medical specialist" Dr. Marla Shapiro... "Martha".

Oh gawd... Dr Marla's back... she's yapping about bone loss, muscle loss... blood pressure, sensitivity to light... dear gawd, the miners might vomit on the way up the shaft.... and on and on ad nauseum.

I think I'll go drink some drain cleaner.


"You're an ugly ugly man. I feel sorry for you. I honestly do. It must hurt to live inside your bitter cynical brain."
Yes, Carlos... of course.

Let's reserve the largest part of a daily national newscast for a "rainbows & unicorn" view of the world... instead of, say... the stark reality.

Have a really nice day!

(h/t shaidle)


RELATED: Bias... what media bias?


UPDATE: And again, 24 hours later...

Once again, CTV News has just devoted the first third of tonight's program to this fairy tale. Lloyd has just assured his national audience that we will... "all remember for the rest of our lives... where we were during the 'mine disaster'."

And hey... he promises more mine tales later in the broadcast.

And the final word from reporter Tom Walters? Apparently this event will... "allow us to see a truth about all our lives."

Good grief.