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02 October 2010

Tonight's CTV Moonbat Moment

Tonight, on CTV's Ottawa affiliate CJOH... professional propagandists Jane Taber & Bob Fife did everything but drop to their knees and cry as they "reported" on the swearing-in of the new Governor General.

The fact is, though... they were way more enthusiastic about the past than the present.

Fife made the obligatory fawning references to outgoing GG Michaƫlle Jean "blowing people away"... with Taber chiming in that she was a "rock star."

In stark contrast, Bobbo actually referred to incoming GG David Johnston as... and I swear I'm not making this up... "a boring old white guy."

And hell, the culture mandarins at the Globe & Mail are obviously on board...
"Mr. Johnston has a difficult act to follow, however, replacing the charismatic Michaƫlle Jean, who attended the ceremony. Every time her name was mentioned there was applause; she received a sustained standing ovation when she entered the chamber."
I guess it was just a huge disappointment that nobody could find yet another charismatic, female, foreign-born, visible minority, ex-employee of the CBC.

Good grief.