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15 October 2010

Splitting the difference... definitive and satisfying as a pre-op transvestite...
The committee of students that picked the mascot said it hoped to avoid any racial significance in the design.

One finalist had gray-colored skin because, said Margaret Ann Morgan, 19, a committee co-chairwoman, “it is a combination of black and white.”

RELATED: Hmmm, apparently there's no gray area...

...for President McDreamy and friends...
The president and fellow Democrats have taken a page from the Republican playbook. They’re unabashedly using racial-solidarity politics to animate voters.

As the president told an audience last week at Bowie State University, a historically black college, in Maryland: “I think the pundits are wrong. But it’s up to you to prove them wrong. Don’t make me look bad, now.”
Yeah... I'm shocked.