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18 October 2010

Save the Children

An American charity has paid a British man addicted to drugs 200 pounds (about $320) to get a vasectomy, the BBC reported Monday.
Hmmm... a pro-active solution... that prevents a serious social problem from spreading exponentially... makes perfect sense to me. In fact, let's get the government involved and offer these people serious cash.

Make it a years equivalent of pogey and they'd still come out way, way ahead.

Who could possibly oppose... yes... of course... social workers...
Other addiction advocacy groups have railed against the extreme nature of Harris' program, accusing her of taking advantage of people with a medically diagnosed illness.
Yeah, let's make this about crackheads rights... who gives a shit about the children who have to grow up in welfare hell?

Good grief.



Your blog post came up on my Google Alerts. I was wondering if you might consider tweaking your title to Save Our Children or perhaps noting that the organization that helped pay for the vasectomy is actually the Prevention Project. Your readers may think that Save the Children was somehow involved.

While I completely understand that you had no intention of suggesting our involvement, we would simply like to avoid confusion.

Thank you for considering our/my request.


Cicely McWilliam

| EVERY ONE Campaign Coordinator | Save the Children Canada
300-4141 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M2P 2A8
Direct Line: (416) 218-1888 | Toll free: 1-800-668-5036 x300 | Cell: (647) 291-1683

LAST WORD: The Prevention Project?

Who's running this thing? I'm guessing it's not who you were thinking...
An American charity has paid a British drug addict and self-confessed burglar £200 to be sterilised.

The charity was set up by Barbara Harris, who adopted four children born of a crack addict mother.