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14 October 2010

Please tell me this is a rumour

If Omar gets shipped back to Canada... he'll never see the inside of a real prison...
Among the other charges to which Khadr is admitting are attempted murder and providing material support to terrorism, according to the deal between prosecutors and his defence.

These relate to accusations he helped make and plant roadside bombs targeting U.S. and allied forces in Afghanistan.
I say let President McDreamy keep him.


UPDATE: In other Khadr Klan news
A Canadian aid worker has accused the patriarch of Toronto’s Khadr family of advising al-Qaeda leaders, abusing charities and repeatedly trying to have him killed in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

RELATED: Denial... it ain't just...

...a river in Egypt...
In a heated discussion on The View Thursday, Bill O'Reilly supported his argument against the Ground Zero Mosque by saying that "Muslims killed us on 9/11." Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg walked off the set — a move not endorsed by Barbara Walters.