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04 October 2010

Parting is such sweet sorrow

From our overflowing... "Dave's not here, man"... files...that other place
MINT CONDITION; moving to a place where i cant have them there :( -- they mean the world to me; so take care of them as they will take care of you!

RELATED: An HOM update

Some of you have emailed regarding my recent switch to comment moderation. The sentiment seems to be 90% pro... with a number of folks enquiring about poor Nonny's reaction.

Without spending too much time on nonsense... let me tell you that poor little "Non-Entity" is still frantically posting... alternating between fawning entreaties about respecting my wishes... and tirades about everyone who should be fellating him.

On this one post, for example... Nonny is railing about the drug-addled state of people from Belleville. Sadly, in all his pent-up excitement... he doesn't even spell the name of the city properly.

We wish him well... but will publish no more of his disturbing rants.