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27 October 2010

Old School

Flowery speeches & airy-fairy promises notwithstanding... most people actually do give a crap that the trains run on time...
That was always Ford's claim to fame: that even if you didn't live in his ward, he returned your call.

If you were wrapped up in red tape and called Rob Ford, an hour or maybe a day later, the tape got snipped. The Wheeltrans showed up at your elderly mother's door.

That stupid problem you'd been screaming at bureaucrats about got taken care of.

Everyone in Toronto knows a Rob Ford story like that.
More importantly... fearmongering aside... it looks as though Hogtown is ready for a fresh start...
Half a dozen incumbents, including David Miller loyalists Sandra Bussin and Adrian Heaps, were knocked out. Conservative-minded newcomers, such as Mary-Margaret McMahon, were voted in.

And the mushy middle, which tended to vote alongside Miller, was sent a message to swing right. Ford will easily have more than 23 votes on council.