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27 October 2010

Of course, switching to Hot-Air Balloons...

...would be both more ecologically AND aesthetically pleasing...
Ignatieff says the public is questioning whether the country needs stealth fighters to defend its airspace -- especially given the huge deficit run up by the Tories.

He says Liberals will get Canadians better value for money.
Seriously, Professor Poupon... you really wanna die on this particular hill?
On his first day in office in 1993, prime minister Jean Chrétien had ripped up a signed contract to purchase 28 navy helicopters and 15 search-and-rescue versions from E.H. Industries.

Left unsaid was an uncomfortable truth. Killing the project triggered more than $1 billion in cancellation penalties, write-offs, and extra maintenance costs for the existing fleet of Sea King helicopters.
And they say Iggy is the smart one.

I'm just not seeing it.