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20 October 2010

No, no, you dumbass... you go right ahead

Hey, it's a free world... more sweat lodge, less hippy-dippy bunk -- it's just ice-cream that this sort of nonsense serves to toughen the gene...
Nobody is sure exactly what is keeping people away from Sedona’s four vortexes, swirling energy sources emanating from the earth, but the effects are clear: far fewer crystals are being bought, spiritual tours taken and treatments ordered, from aura cleansings to chakra balancings.
Nobody's sure, Peace Moonbeam!?!? Hey, here's a clue... three dead bodies.

Maybe you need a good Kerou-whack upside the head.
“Initially, I didn’t think it was going to affect business and, a year later, I know I was wrong,” said Deidre Madsen, who runs a New Age travel company in Sedona and a Web site devoted to inner growth.

“I’m shocked at the impact. My business is down 20 percent.”
Sorry, you dumb bunny... a childlike sense of credulity isn't actually much of a defense.

Dave's really not here, man.

Good grief.