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06 October 2010

More fun with polls at the Globe & Mail

Or, I suppose... you could could just bring along every little ethnic, tribal, political or religious grievance that caused you to flee the old country in the first place...

canadian, what's that?And let's not even get started on the folks who want to rip the country into pieces...
In the two years since the 2008 parliamentary crisis, most Canadians have come to think of Gilles Duceppe as the disquieting but silent partner of the failed Liberal-NDP coalition bid. It seems he was a lot more than that.

In a book released this week Duceppe casts himself as the driving force behind the Liberal-NDP coalition agreement.

He credits the Bloc Québécois with providing the gist of the economic pact on which Stéphane Dion and Jack Layton agreed.

RELATED: From the folks who...

...brought you lead-painted baby toys...
The exposure of Mr. Zhang’s faked credentials provoked a fresh round of hand-wringing over what many scholars and Chinese complain are the dishonest practices that permeate society, including students who cheat on college entrance exams, scholars who promote fake or unoriginal research, and dairy companies that sell poisoned milk to infants.
Don't miss the part about the airline pilots.