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15 October 2010

Just something to think about...

...the next time you're sitting waiting seven hours for a doctor in the local emergency room...
Van Thanh Nguyen came to Canada from Vietnam in 1988 as a permanent resident. But after a 1992 conviction for armed robbery, his status was pulled and he was ordered deported on Dec. 15, 1993.

The deportation order was never carried out. Instead, Nguyen racked up another four criminal convictions.

In 1998, he received a kidney transplant that required him to take anti-rejection drugs. Nguyen also claims he is unable to work and is collecting provincial disability benefits and has his medication paid for by the province of Ontario.

In 1999, following his kidney transplant, the federal government suspended the deportation order against Nguyen.
The federal government?

Don't you mean Prime Minister Joseph Jacques Jean Chrétien?

Friends don't let friends vote Liberal.