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24 October 2010

It's a legal system... not a justice system

But, hey... a few quick fixes and we're good to go -- you know... like fewer "victim impact" statements... more lethal injection...
hang 'em high
"Canadians can do with a little toughening up. If Ms. Comeau could fight off Mr. Williams with her hands bound behind her back, her eyes covered, her body battered, to her last breath – and she did, a finer and more valiant soldier than her killer ever could have hoped to be – surely the rest of us can suck up this week of extraordinary sadness without collapsing."
Why on earth do we want to warehouse a sick fuck like Russell Williams?

Less talk... more chopping block.


RELATED: Darwin was right

In other "knife to a gunfight" news...
-- TORONTO -- In an altercation between the officers and a 28-year-old man at the residence, one officer was cut to the face, while the man was shot at least once. The man died from his injuries at the scene.