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31 October 2010

In other "your home, their castle" news...'s David Chen... all over again...
By the time police arrived — just five minutes later, according to Robert — the stabbing victim and four others allegedly involved in the home invasion — three women and one man — had sped away in a car, crossing into Ontario in the hopes that by seeking treatment at the Montfort Hospital, they would not be connected to the Gatineau incident.
And surprise, surprise... guess who gets cast as the bad guy here...
According to Gatineau police, the man alleged to have stabbed the victim, as well as the four suspects found with the stabbing victim, have all been arrested.
(h/t reader michael)


RELATED: Speaking of poor, little victims

Get ready, Scarborough... coming soon to a neighbourhood near you...
Omar Khadr was sentenced today to 40 years in prison for murder, terrorism and spying by a military panel unaware that the confessed Canadian war criminal had agreed to plead guilty in exchange for a sentence capped at eight years and the chance to return to Canada after one more year in Guantanamo.