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17 October 2010

If things were working out so well... the old country... why would anyone ever choose to leave? -- political correctness be damned
-- Berlin -- "Many speak little or no German, work in low paying jobs or live off of government handouts at the same time the country faces an aging population and a shortage of highly skilled workers."

RELATED: Yeah, truth can be scary
This is vitally important because of who has said it and where it has been said. There are four million Muslims in Germany and because of the Nazi obscenity the Germans have for sixty years been terrified of being seen as in any way racist or intolerant.

My parents were immigrants who got married and promptly chose to leave Scotland for North America. And, from what I hear about the lives of many of my cousins... I am eternally grateful that they did.

My father & mother realised the immigrant dream of owning their own home and raising a large family. They did this, not by walling themselves off from the larger field of folk... but by embracing the Canadian way of life and all that it had to offer.

Trying to recreate the flawed homeland that you chose to flee... and why would you choose to leave otherwise... is an exercise in counter-productivity.

You want to live in Canada... be a Canadian. One people, one law.


POSTSCRIPT: Yup, I'm repeating myself, but...'re not prepared to be a law-abiding citizen... we don't want you.