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11 October 2010

I blame George Bush

The Globe & Mail trots out the venerable O.J. defense... "let's go find the real killers"'s all on us
"You could view this as child labour, or even a form of slavery – and, under internationally accepted definitions, it almost certainly is, although a form so commonplace in India as to go unnoticed."

"And I believe we in the West are to blame."
But, but, but... we're trying as hard as we can...
“It’s really conflicting,’’ Kassay said. “Instead of fasting for a month and enjoying this really big day, eating and going to family’s houses, it’s kind of like, ‘Oh, hey, guys, I’ve got to go do my homework.’ ’’

But beginning next year, Cambridge public schools will attempt to make it easier for Muslim students to honor their highest holy days.
Apparently though... we still have a long way to go.