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02 October 2010

Herding the multicultural cats

Another fuzzy-bunny Globe & Mail poll goes sideways...

rainbows & candied unicornsThink about that for a second. Over two thirds of the folks responding to this poll say yes. As do, apparently, increasing numbers of people around the globe.
"Our European allies call multiculturalism a failed experiment. Germany, the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands and even our Commonwealth cousin Australia have all, to differing degrees, blamed multiculturalism for separating peoples, weakening national cohesion and encouraging Islamic extremism."

"Is Canada the exception?"
Hmmm... it sure doesn't look like it.


RELATED: That 70's Show...
The ceremony performed by the Gurrir Gurrir people remembers events surrounding Cyclone Tracy (1974), which devastated Darwin in northern Australia.

The spirits were said to have imparted new songs and dances aimed at maintaining the diversity of indigenous culture and the Warmun artistic tradition was born.
What's a little booga-booga between friends, huh?