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25 October 2010


Mr. Khadr assented to knowing that he was attacking civilians, that he wanted to kill U.S. troops, that he planted mines and that he received one-on-one terrorist training from an al-Qaeda operative.

Mr. Khadr's guilty plea short circuits the trial phase but a sentencing phase will proceed. Testimony from Tabitha Speer, the widow of the special forces soldier killed by a grenade thrown during a fierce, July 2002 Afghan firefight, will be heard.
Okay... that's step one.

How about... step two... we don't repatriate his jihadi ass back to Canada?


RELATED: That was then...
Defense lawyer Barry Coburn said any deal won’t involve Mr. Khadr admitting he killed U.S. Sergeant Christopher Speer with a grenade, the act that U.S. military prosecutors say warrants a charge of murder.
This is now.


BREAKING: What I'm talkin' about
-- BRAMPTON, Ont. -- The ringleader of the so-called Toronto 18, who had pleaded guilty to terror charges that included attacking Parliament, has been sentenced to 16 years in prison.
Hang on... Omar actually kills people... and he only gets 8 years?

How exactly does that work?