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07 October 2010

From the Canadian "ethnic cleansing" file

Looks like there's another bothersome hiccup on the road to racial purity...never again
We realized as time went on that if it was going to work, we needed the justice system to change.” --
Hmmm... yeah, I'm thinkin'... you really want this thing to fly... maybe to something more like Berlin in the early 40's.


RELATED: Is this your Canada?
As news of the band council's action emerged, its political press attaché, Joe Delaronde, was on the defensive. "We sound like a bunch of Nazis here."

"They aren't even Nazis. Nazis know how to march in step, these Kahnawake council dorks couldn't organize a two man rush on a three hole shit-house."

LAST WORD: Scratch a socialist...

...find a condescending, politically-correct ass-kisser...
Such was the case with the 2002 First Nations Governance Act, which would have required First Nations to develop the sort of fair voting systems and transparent accounting practices that Canadians living off-reserve take for granted.

It was the ultimate common-sense legislation; but because it irked band chiefs — who (like all politicians) would prefer to do things behind closed doors — Paul Martin eventually killed the legislation over the advice of his own Indian Affairs Minister, Robert Nault.
Problem... what problem?
As John Ivison wrote in Thursday’s National Post, one Manitoba reserve paid its chief the equivalent annual salary of $383,000 pre-tax dollars. On the 543-person Piapot reserve in Saskatchewan, the chief has taken home a salary higher than that of the province’s premier.
Friends don't let friends vote Liberal.