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26 October 2010

And overnight, the sad strains...

...of "Puff the Magic Dragon" continue to haunt the lonely streets...
A race that late polls were still declaring to be neck and neck turned out to be nothing of the kind. Neck and ankle, maybe.

The tweeters were beside themselves. Goodbye bike lanes, they tweeted, time to pack the bags and flee to a more moderate, progressive, inclusive city, like … Calgary.

"Calgary?! We don't want them here!!"

"Go to Redmonton!"

RELATED: Ask a screaming leftbot...

...they'll blame it on the suburban troglodytes...uh, that'd be... well, you...
“If you talk to Adam Vaughan,” she said, “he’ll say his residents have asked him for an extra tax. I don’t think you get that in the suburbs.”