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23 September 2010

With apologies to Roy Scheider...

..."We're gonna need a bigger boat."...
“Yes, this is not normal for you,” Mrs. Rafaat said in sometimes imperfect English. “And I know it’s very hard for you to believe why one mother is doing these things to their youngest daughter.

But I want to say for you, that some things are happening in Afghanistan that are really not imaginable for you as a Western people.”
Uh, lady... the scary thing here is... this playing dress-up thing is actually one of the least abnormal things you folks do.
If she is not repentant, he should beat her, but there are rules to the beating. It is forbidden to beat her in the face or make her ugly. When you beat her, you must not curse her. Islam forbids this.

RELATED: Oh, c'mon Robespierre...

...what part of... "cut off their freakin' infidel heads"... are you just not getting?
two words... daniel... pearl